
Little Tips That Will Make Your Next PCS Move Easier On You

As a member of the military, few things are as stressful as getting your PCS orders and knowing that soon, you'll have to move. You don't usually have a ton of time to plan, and between finding a new place, getting used to a new location, and informing family of the changes, you are bound to be busy. The following little tips will go a long way towards making your next PCS move easier on you and on family members.

Protect Your Belongings For a Long-Distance Move

When it comes to long distance moves, there's a lot of planning that takes place long before the moving truck pulls up. Here, you'll find a few tips that'll help to protect your belongings as they're transported many, many miles to your new home. Protect Electronics If there's any chance that the temperatures inside the moving truck will go below freezing, you'll need to take a few extra steps to prepare the electronics in the truck for the move.

Move It Or Toss It: Three Important Questions To Ask Yourself When Purging For A Move

Prior to moving, it is strongly advised that you de-clutter and purge any items that you no longer use or need. This helps to reduce the number of items that you have to pack and transport to your new home and helps to ensure that you are not cluttering up your new home with items that are no longer of use to you. In some cases, it is easy to determine what can be tossed.

Moving Across the Country? Don't Make These 3 Mistakes

Planning a big move across the country requires a lot of preparation in order to make your moving day a breeze. However, mistakes can be made along the way that will make the move unnecessarily difficult. Here are some problems you'll want to avoid when moving a long distance. Mistake #1: Take Everything With You It can be tempting to start packing up all of your belongings for a long distance move without thinking much about what is coming with you.

Using A Self-Storage Space As A Warehouse For Your Online Sales Shop

Whether you've started your own online boutique or you create handmade soap to sell online, you may find that your growing online sales shop requires more space than you have available in your home. A self-storage space can provide the extra room you need to accommodate your growing small business empire. Here are just a few ways you can use your self-storage unit. Inventory Organization As your business grows, you may need more room for inventory.